We offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re 6, 106 or somewhere in-between, the West Northumberland Curling Club is sure to have a league suitable for you.
Monday Morning - Women
Regular 8 End League
9:00 AM first draw, 2nd draw at 11:15 AM if required
Recreational league, open to novice through experienced women curlers. Round Robin format with 3 rounds per season where teams change each round. This league places the emphasis on fun and fellowship with a gentle blend of competition thrown in for good measure!
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis. Teams are made up by the league convenors.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Notes: After curling there is a social time in the lounge serving tea, coffee and treats. Treats and coffee/kitchen duty are assigned to one team per week.
- Convenors:Sandi MacDonald [email protected] , Donna Tindale Henderson [email protected]
Monday Night - Men's League
Regular 8 End League
6:30 pm 1st draw, 8:45 pm 2nd draw if required
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers alike. Round Robin format with 2 rounds. Teams remain unchanged for the entire season. This league is suitable for all skill levels. Stick curlers are welcome.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as a 4-person team or on an individual basis. For those registering as individuals, sign up in the position of your choice and you will be placed on a team - type "assign" in the vacant position boxes.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Notes: Round Robins are broken into A and B flights. The B flight is a more recreational division. Playoffs are typically single knockout. League format is also dependent upon the number of teams that register.
- Convenors: Jeremy Fowlie [email protected]
Tuesday Morning - Men's Tag
Regular 8 End League
9:00 AM, one draw only
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers alike. When you arrive you place your name tag on the board and teams will be made up that morning based on those who show up. Each player on the team will play all four spots for two ends each. It is advisable that you show up early each week to ensure a spot on a team, although it is rare that anyone is turned away! Fun, fun and more fun... that's what this league is about! This league also holds a one-day in-club bonspiel once a month.
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: Spares are not required if you are absent.
- Notes: This league is ideal for curlers who want the experience of playing positions they do not normally play – you get to do it all in this league!
- Convenors: Chuck Kennedy [email protected] Albert Koppelman [email protected]
Tuesday Night - Mixed
Regular 8 End League
6:30 PM first draw, 2nd draw at 8:45 PM if required
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers alike. Round Robin format with 2 rounds. Teams consist of two women and two men in alternating poistions. Teams remain unchanged for the entire season. This league is suitable for all skill levels.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as a team, a couple or an individual. We can help you get paired up for a great night of fun curling!
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Convenor: Tammy Browes-Bugden [email protected]
Wednesday Morning - Sturling Tag
Regular 8 End League
9:00 AM draw
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers alike. Tag format. Teams consist of two players of any gender. Delivery may be by stick or conventional slide delivery. No sweeping between the hog lines but still a great workout since players throw 6 rocks every other end (24 rocks per player per game).
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are not expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Convenor: David Smith [email protected] Peter E Moore [email protected]
Wednesday 6:30 Ladies Social League
Social 6 End League
6:30 PM draw
Recreational league, open to novice through experienced women curlers. Round Robin format with 2 round per season where teams change each round. This league places the emphasis on fun and socializing. Learn to Curl curlers welcome.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual or team. Teams are made up by the convenors although members can be matched with friends if they wish.
- Scoring: 6 end games. Win/Loss/Tie.
- Sparing: Spares are required
- Convenors: Stephanie Price [email protected] Hannah Bickle [email protected]
Wednesday 8:15 Doubles - Social
6 End Doubles Game
8:15 pm start
This league qualifies as a Social League.
This league is ideal for curlers who want to sharpen their draw skills and fine tune your play in a low pressure atmosphere while having fun. Standard Doubles rules apply. Round Robin format. Teams consist of two players of any gender. Teams remain unchanged for the entire season.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as a team, a couple or an individual. We can help you get paired up for a great night of fun competitive curling
- The team entry shows 4 positions. Leave the last 2 blank.
- Scoring: 6 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Convenor: Wes Witlox [email protected]
Thursday - Morning Men
Regular 8 End League
9:00 AM early draw, 11:15 AM late draw
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers alike. Round Robin format with 2 rounds per season where teams change each round.
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis. Teams are made up by the league convenors.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Notes: New curlers and curlers of all abilities are always welcome to this league. Skill levels are all over the map and while our competitive spirit is alive and well, fun and fellowship trump everything else.
- Convenors: Jeff Gilmer [email protected] , Pete Wangen [email protected]
Thursday Night - Championship (Open)
Regular 8 End League
6:30 pm early draw, 8:45 pm draw if required
The highest level of competition at WNCC can be found in this Champions League. Round Robin format. Number of rounds during the year depends on how many teams are registered. Teams remain unchanged for the season. The number of flights will be determined by the number of entries. Flights rotate Draw times each week on a rotating basis. This is an Open league, teams can be comprised of any combination of men and/or women. Our Men’s and Women’s Club Champions are the highest finishing all male and all female teams from this league.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as a team. New players are welcome to this league and if you are an individual in need of a competitive fix, then please sign up as an individual, as teams are always looking for additional players before and even early in the season.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie or Default scoring.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Notes: Statistics are kept throughout the season to determine rankings going into the playoffs. Please check the League Schedule to ensure you are showing up for the correct draw.
- Convenors: David Roy [email protected] , Gord Treasure [email protected]
Friday - Morning Mixed
Regular 8 End League
9:00 AM, one draw only
Recreational league, open to novice through experienced curlers. Round Robin format with 2 rounds per season where teams change each round. This league places the emphasis on fun and socializing.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual or couple. Teams are made up by the convenors.
- Scoring: 8 end games. Win/Loss/Tie and ends won scoring.
- Sparing: You are required to look for a spare if absent
- Notes: This daytime Mixed league is for both couples and individuals. Often league games are followed by social gatherings in the lounge. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to throw a few rocks and mingle with friends!
- Convenors: Graham Jarvis [email protected], Judy Wilson [email protected]
Friday Afternoon Senior Mixed Competitive - Full
Regular 8 End league
1:30 PM draw
This is a competitive Senior Men's and Women's League. There are four draws with teams changed each draw. Convenors will arrange teams.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual.
- Scoring: win/loss/tie
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Convenor: Ken O'Neill [email protected]
Friday Night 5:30 - Social Mixed Full
Social 6 End League
5:30 PM, one draw only
Learn to Curl members welcome
- Format: Social League, open to novice through experienced curlers.
- The primary objective of the league is fun fun fun !
- Sign up: Register for this league as an individual or couple. Teams are made up by the convenor. Teams will be a mix of women and men.
- Scoring: 6 end games Win/Loss/Tie
- Sparing: Spares are not required if you are absent.
Convenor: Linda and David Laliberte [email protected]
Friday Night 7:15 - Social Mixed Full
Social 6 End League
7:15 PM draw
Social league focusing on fun on the ice and great socializing afterwards. The league has a good blend of both novice and experienced curlers. Teams will be a mix of men and women. Learn to Curl members welcome.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual or couple. Teams are made up by the convenors although newcomers can be matched with friends if they wish as they get started with curling.
- Scoring: 6 end games. Win/Loss/Tie.
- Sparing: Spares are required
- Convenors: Maureen Campbell [email protected] , John Wynsma [email protected]
Sunday Afternoon - Learn to Curl League - Fulll
Sunday Afternoon Learn to Curl League:
Start Time: 3:00 pm
Learn to curl with our experienced Instructors and Coaches on Sunday afternoons @ 3:00 pm starting November 17, 2024 Program consists of 5 weeks of lessons (1 1/2 hours each week) followed by our Learn to Curl league (6 end games) for the remainder of the curling season. Cost includes two fitted grippers, lessons and league
- Sign Up: Sign up as an individual.
- Convenor: Steve Haug [email protected]
Sunday Juniors
Junior League
12:00 PM Sundays, starting October 20 2024
The Little Rocks (under 8 years) and Juniors (ages 8-18) league includes basic curling skills, strategies, fitness and game play! Curlers of every skill level are welcome, even those who have never stepped onto the ice. The league runs from November to March. Sessions focus on instructionfor the first hour followed by a game. Teams are made up each week based on who is in attendance. Juniors preparing for an upcoming bonspiel will be placed together so they can practice as a team.
League may be cancelled for weekend bonspiels or tournaments.
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis.
- Notes: Experienced Junior curlers may curl in any regular league as Youth Curlers. Juniors must be 17 years of age or younger as of June 30th.
- Conveners: Dave Nugent [email protected] , Derek Turner [email protected] and Patrick Johnston [email protected]
Sunday Little Rocks
Little Rocks League
12:00 PM Sundays, starting October 20 2024
The Little Rocks (under 8 years) and Juniors (ages 8-18) league includes basic curling skills, strategies, fitness and game play! Curlers of every skill level are welcome, even those who have never stepped onto the ice. The league runs from November to March. Sessions focus on instructionfor the first hour followed by a game. Teams are made up each week based on who is in attendance. Juniors preparing for an upcoming bonspiel will be placed together so they can practice as a team.
League may be cancelled due to bonspiels or tournaments
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis.
- Coaches: Dave Nugent [email protected] Derek Turner [email protected] Patrick Johnston [email protected]
Sunday Morning Tag
Optional league for members - free
This Sunday morning Social League is free to any club member who is signed up for any other club league.
If this is the only league you play in, the Social League fee will apply.
9:30 AM, one draw only
This league is ideal for novice and experienced curlers and curlers who cannot commit to making every game. When you arrive you place your name tag on the board in the position you want to play. Once all four positions are full that's your team for the day.
- Sign Up: Register for this league on an individual basis. In addition, curlers in this league may bring guests to try curling. Each guest may come three times per year.
- Scoring: 6 end games. Win/Loss/Tie.
- Sparing: Spares are not required if you are absent.
- Notes: Many Sunday Rec League curlers will get together afterwards for a meal at a local establishment!
- Convenor: Paul Herron [email protected] , Stan Muldoon [email protected]
Ladies' League - Inter Club
Optional League for Members - separate fee
Members must belong to one other competitive or social league to register for this league. The Interclub Ladies' League is not included in the number of leagues to determine payment.
The aim of the Interclub Ladies' League is to foster friendship, sociability and good sportsmanship among area Curling Clubs and to encourage less experienced players to attend with an experienced skip and vice.
Eight clubs – West Northumberland Curling Club, Omemee, Peterborough Curling Club, Marmora, Peterborough Golf & Curling Club, Ennismore, Lakefield, and Campbellford - host the games which are scheduled during the day, usually 2 per month on Wednesdays.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual. You must curl in at least one regular WNCC league to be eligible for the Interclub Ladies' League. Convenors will make up teams for each game on as evenly as possible shared basis depending on an individual’s availability for given dates.
- Scoring: 8 end game
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Notes: There is a nominal cost per person per game to cover ice and/or refreshments, payable upon arrival on each game day.
Convenors: Sue Morrow ([email protected]) or Pat Sullivan ([email protected]om)
Kawartha Senior Men - Inter Club
The WNCC Kawartha League is not included in the number of leagues to determine payment.
Optional League for Members - separate fee
Members must belong to one other competitive or social league to register for this league.
WNCC Kawartha League curler will play 3 home and 3 away games that are scheduled for mid-afternoon play on weekdays, with the opportunity to play in 2 or 3 additional bonspiels as well.
This competitive Senior (50+) Men's League involves the WNCC plus nine other area clubs: Bobcageon, Lindsay, Ennismore, Norwood, Peterborough Golf and Curling, Peterborough Curling, Omeme, Campbellford and Lakefield. At the beginning of the season teams are picked by team captains for play throughout the year.
- Sign Up: Register for this league as an individual. You must curl in at least one regular WNCC league to be eligible for the Kawartha League. A nominal $20.00 fee applies for the Kawartha League.
- Sparing: You are expected to look for a spare if you are absent.
- Convenor: Ken O'Neill [email protected]